Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Standin’ on a corner in Winslow Arizona

I have a crappy internet connection so I'll up load more photos later. It's a good idea to view previous posts because sometimes I'll add a comment or two or add photos when they become available.

Stopped in Winslow for a brief time. Their claim to fame is the line in the Eagles song about “Standin’ on a corner in Winslow Arizona, what a fine sight to see”
It’s a tourist stop and lots of tourists stop including us to take a photo or two of the corner the chamber of commerce has set up for tourists to congregate to help out the downtown businesses push their wares.

Taking a little nap at Meteor City before going to the crater...
Then on to Meteor Crater. We didn’t travel as far west as we had planned due to the weather last night so a visit here got put back on our schedule. 15 miles off the highway and 15 bucks out of the wallet later, we see the best preserved meteor impact crater on earth. Good thing it landed here, there’s nothing for miles around.Lewis and Clark and a hole in the ground.

Just in case you didn't know where to look